blur workshop consultant rfp submission
Please take a moment to fill out the information below for the RFP. We appreciate your time and cooperation in this process.
Sample version of the agreements and scope of service exhibits can be found at the bottom for download, review, and comment.
Please review the Terms and Conditions found at the bottom of the page.
This project is confidential. Respondents should not share any information contained in this RFP with anyone for any reason with written permission from the Owner.
During the RFP process and even If a proposal is accepted, the Respondent shall not discuss this project outside your office or issue any news releases or other statements pertaining to the award or the Agreement. This includes posting any references or implying anything to do with the project on social media or any web page. Any and all parts of this document, attachments, exhibits, or agreements are to be kept in strict confidence by all parties and not be distributed or shared outside of your firm.
The Owner may (a) reject any or all quotations, (b) accept other than the lowest cost quotation, (c) accept more than one quotation, (d) accept alternate quotations, and (e) waive informalities and minor irregularities in quotations received.
All information provided by BLUR Workshop in this RFP is offered in good faith. BLUR Workshop makes no certification that any item is without error. BLUR Workshop is not responsible or liable for any use of the information or for any claims asserted there from.
All materials submitted in response to this RFP shall become the property of Ryman Hospitality Properties, Inc. upon delivery to BLUR Workshop.
Additional documentation may be required prior to selection.
In responding to this RFP, the bidder fully understands the RFP in its entirety and in detail. The Owner and BLUR Workshop reserve the right to disqualify, at their sole discretion, any bidder who submits a proposal that is not responsive or that demonstrates less than such understanding. That right extends to cancellation of the contract, if a contract has been made. Such disqualification and/or cancellation shall be at no fault, cost or liability whatsoever to the Owner or BLUR Workshop.
Verbal communication shall not be in effective unless formally confirmed in writing by BLUR Workshop
This RFP does not, under any circumstances, commit the Owner or BLUR Workshop to pay any costs incurred by the bidder in the submission of a proposal. All costs are the Respondent’s responsibility.
All bidders must provide a price guarantee that the proposal provisions remain valid for 90 days beyond the response deadline date.
Professional liability limits shall not be less than $5,000,000 per claim/annual aggregate of the Basic Consultants (Structure, MEPFP, and Civil) and $1,000,000 annual and aggregate for all other Consultants.